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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Friday, August 26, 2005

Pro Hart and Con the Fruiterer duke it out

It's time for a good old game of 'Pros and Cons'.
Otherwise known as 'Stating the Bleeding Obvious'.

Healthy Diet and Exercise

Pros -
General slimness
Toned muscles
Shiny hair
Clear skin
Strong bones
Fun shopping trips
Fun at the beach
Fun everywhere!
Tasty, healthful meals
Less spending on trashy food
Good sleep patterns
Longer life expectancy

Cons -
ummm... can anyone help me out here?

So, why does a mentally capable young woman always fall into bad patterns, when the benefits are clear as day?
Yes, yes, I know it is human instinct to want to store fat and hibernate in a cave under a bear skin, but seriously, evolution made me pale and much less hairy, what use do I have for a raging appetite? Sharpen up, evolution!


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