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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Friday, October 21, 2005

Friday Fact

Despite my having used many an overpriced pen in my years, for me, nothing beats the feel of a Kilometrico on low GSM paper.
You know that cheap, slightly brownish paper they use in colouring books? It's got a lovely amount of give, and a Kilometrico just glides across it.

End of stationery advertisement.

Oh, another fact! I can not stand it when people can't spell stationery properly. E for envelopes, people!
Stationary can be defined as such -
1 - a. Not moving.
b. Not capable of being moved; fixed.
2 - Unchanging: a stationary sound.

Newsagents do this all the time, and should have their licenses to sell paperclips revoked.

Okay, I'm done.


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