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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Party time!

Or not.
I was invited to a jewellery party, which was to take place last night. I was really looking forward to it, as the host was a friend from high school, who has a lovely new bunch of friends, with whom I get along really well. My best friend was also invited, good times would roll.

But then I started rationalising.
- It was a weeknight. I hate going out and doing things on weeknights, it puts me out of whack.
- My best friend wasn't going. My security blanket was gone, I would have to use my personality to get through the evening. (!)
- It wouldn't allow for enough time to eat a proper dinner. I really didn't want to eat any takeaway food last night.
- It was in Mornington, meaning that an hour would be spent in the car. I would need to get Stu to ferry me at least one way.
- It was a jewellery party. I hate those gatherings where you are trapped with a salesperson and their shoddy merchandise. Even the more reputable companies... I just think 'what is so wrong with your product that you can't go retail?' Plus, you feel an obligation to purchase things so the hostess can get all the freebies that she is secretly coveting.

Apparently this party was to feature knockoff Prada and Gucci handbags, and the like. But isn't half the fun of having designer accessories knowing that you're toting around lovely things? I'm quite happy with my collection of Oroton, thankyouverymuch. It's not at all overpriced, but the designs are balanced, the materials are sublime, and the workmanship is fantastic.
Plus, I prefer to buy my jewellery from designers who've put a bit of heart and soul into their work.

Anyways, I stayed home, and played Antigrav (again!). We also caught up on the most recent episode of NCIS, so we're up to date, and can finish the season off when the finale airs this week.
I just hope I can get together with these girls soon, they're great! But they all work funny hours, so it's hard to coordinate a time that suits everyone. Eh, we'll make it happen...


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