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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Monday, September 26, 2005


For reasons best known to God, I gained two kilograms last week.
Well, dinner with generous hosts during the week would be prime reason number one. Being in the midst of inconvenient lady time would also not have helped.
But really, gaining is crap, excuses also.
So, rather than tailoring the Weight Watchers' program to suit me, I have to change my behaviours to suit the program.

The first step is acknowledging my weight, without being coy. This morning, the scales told me that I am 108.5 kgs.
I don't like this very much. This is almost the weight I was at when I first started Weight Watchers, three years ago. I got down to 80kgs then, with every intention of continuing to whittle myself down to my goal of 69kgs. And then Hurricane Stress blew threw my life, and turned everything on its head. I ate to deal with the bad news, disrespect, and disappointment that became a daily factor of my life back then. Things are lovely now, except that I am most annoyed at myself for undoing all of my hard work.
I understand that there are bigger people in the world, and there are smaller people in the world. Just because I don't like that I am a certain size, does not mean I feel the same way about people who are bigger than I. Nor do I feel that people who are smaller then me are any better. Everyone's beautiful in their own way. It just so happens that the weight that is sitting on my frame doen't suit me.

The second step is deciding where I want to be. My goal is still to be 69 kgs. This is towards the top end of the healthy weight range for my height. Any less would be ridiculous, as people who have seen me at my smallest would attest. Thus, I have to lose 39.5 kgs. I would like to lose in increments of 0.5 - 1 kg per week. More is great, but unsustainable, less is fine, but not for too long. Gains are unwelcome.

Third step, how to do it. The most effective tool I have learnt is tracking. The weeks when I have written a points tally, are the weeks whan I have enjoyed the most success. My general diet is very good, all fresh fruits, lean meats, light cereals and such. But it's all the optional extras that are the killers. By tracking, it's easy to see when I need to exclude the extras, and when I can indulge.
I am also going to make sure I only weigh on Monday mornings, right after I wake up and am refreshed, but before breakfast. Previously I'd been weighing on Saturday mornings, however, the time I go to sleep on Friday, and wake up on a Saturday can vary wildly, and this can really affect the results. As my weekdays are very regimented, it will be easy to stick to the routine. This will also make sure that I am not too naughty over the weekend, as it is very easy to think that you can eat a few wicked things just after weigh-in, and work it off during the week (this doesn't work!).

So, this week I'm going down to 18 points, as is the Weight Watchers way for all first week members. After that, I'll raise the points to a more appropriate level, which I will alter later to suit my progress.
Stay tuned for next Monday... should be interesting!


Blogger DJ said...

Sounds like you've got a solid plan there, with a plan, purpose, goals you're all set.
Oh and I guess supportive friends and family helps too (Which I must say I gain as each week passes, I have a cynical bunch of family I got to tell you)

Keep us up to date and we look forward to plotting the progress of your losses...

9/26/2005 12:31 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Fuck what the scales say.

Multi-national businesses promote what they believe is an acceptable way to look, precisely because it means you will have to spend more money to look like this.

Eat whatever makes you happy, so long as it doesn't make things worse for others (thus cannibalisn is ruled out!)

9/27/2005 1:31 pm  
Blogger Janet said...

Thanks guys!
I appreciate all of your comments, it really helps me to be determined.

The problem is though, Aleks (I love that spelling!), regardless of what the horrible media would like me to look like, I've just noticed that I'm getting a bit too full in some areas for my own liking. I really enjoy walking and moving and such, and I don't want to get to the point where that's uncomfortable. Thigh chafing is hurty!

9/27/2005 2:10 pm  
Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Aleks is the proper Slavic way to spell it, not that horrible Germanic Alex.

9/28/2005 9:56 am  
Blogger Janet said...

It's very distinguished, Aleks.

I imagine that people who name their children Alex are either unaware of the alternative, or don't want to feel like they are 'stealing' that spelling from the people who created it, if they are not Slavic.

9/28/2005 11:03 am  

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