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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Monday, August 29, 2005

The truth hurts

Okay - I am totally back on the bandwagon.

Over the last few weeks I've been honing a diet/exercise plan to take me to my destination. I've taken measurements, Stu has taken some of those awful photographs, and I've jumped on the scales.

I need to lose 36.1 kgs. Ouch!

I will achieve this by -
Consuming no more than 22 points per day.
Exercising at least once daily (this may range from a brisk walk to a serious run)
Incorporating some strength training

Other things that will help are-
Drinking approximately 2 litres of water a day (fills the stomach, and helps you to function properly)
Getting enough sleep.
A rewards system (Stu has agreed to give me a massage for each 5kgs lost - he would normally give them anyway, but I should work for it!)

I am not giving myself a deadline, per se, however I need to lose 10.1 before our engagement party, which is in November. I've mentioned this on the other blog, but now I'm kicking it into second gear.

Now, I'm not going to Weight Watchers, but I used to work at a local meeting, which has empowered me to be able to use the knowledge forever more.
I very much subscribe to the points theory. It's a simpler way of counting calories, with the important benefit of including saturated fats in calculations, so that your choices are generally going to be more nutritious. I am the first to admit that it might not work for everyone, but it certainly works for me. Congratulations, however, if you've experienced success on another program!

'So if it works, why do you need to lose weight now?' I'm sure you ask. Well, as I divulged earlier, I'm an emotional eater. Various outside sources last year gave me plenty to be emotional about, and I really neglected myself.
I've moved on now, plus have had some delightfully happy things happen (see the other blog!), so I'm ready to take care of myself.

And so I shall...


Blogger DJ said...

You go Janet! As you may see at my blog we commenced our CSIRO diet today. I'm a whole 7 points too high on the BMI (Almost 32 and need to be at most 25) so we're onto it with gusto.

I wish you every success, I know these things start out enthusiastically but can quickly drop off the rails. But of course someone as committed as you wont do that will you?

8/29/2005 11:15 am  
Blogger Janet said...

Yeah - I know all about the rails and how to drop off of them!
When I have motivation, I'm a dedicated soul.
It's just when unhappy things cloud my judgement that I become distracted from the goal.
But I've learnt from the past how to best manage unhappiness, and not let it defeat you. And by-jiminny, I deserve to be slim!

8/29/2005 11:39 am  

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