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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What a pack of losers!

I snuggled in to watch the first episode of the new series of The Biggest Loser last night. I love this show. These people put their emotions (and bodies) on full display... so courageous.
There are people out there who have been slim all their lives and can eat whatever they want, who will say that the contestants are disgusting, but I think that there's dignity in admitting that you have a problem, and trying your hardest to remedy it.

Every frustration, every joy, every disappointment - I've been there, and I can empathise with how they feel. Especially the tension of weigh in, where the results can be a mixed bag - one week you may have busted your butt and maintained the strictest diet, and you only lose 0.1 kg. Another week, you've relaxed a bit, but managed to lose 1.5 kgs. It's not a perfect science, but I guess that makes it all the more compelling.

One thing I can't say I've experienced, however, is losing over 12 kgs in one week! I almost fell off my chair! I understand that they are working out much more than any gainfully employed individual would be able to, and are consuming foods engineered to aid progress, but really, is that kind of loss even safe? I rationalised that some of these people's bodies were just crying out to shed excess weight, and the lifestyle change was so abrupt and extreme that it would have been a kind of shock to the system. But I think the most I've ever lost in a week was 2.4 kgs, and even that was a marvellous, unrepeatable feat!

I wanted to find a girl with a figure like mine, so that I could cheer her along, but none had the big bust/narrow waist/big hips combination going on. So I'll just cheer for the girls with the best personalities. What I have noticed though is that most of the girls are really pretty - do you think the producers chose them for that fact, so that they will be stunning at the end?

Another show I'm looking forward to - Australian Princess. I know, I should be ashamed of myself, but it looks like it will be funny, all of these Disco Danielles trying to carry themselves with grace. I think that starts soon...


Blogger DJ said...

er, yeah 12kgs in a week is one point something a day... thats too much, expert opinions not withstanding.

9/27/2005 3:34 pm  
Blogger Janet said...

The show is addictive, and very motivational, but potentially dangerous, without disclaimers.

It was 12.75 kgs for one person! 28 pounds!
That's what's so ridiculous.
The smallest loss by a contestant that week was about 5kgs.

I was flabbergasted!

9/28/2005 3:07 pm  

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