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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lucky us

Call me ignorant (well, don't, but you know what I mean), but why do people insist upon living in places where there is a 100% chance that natural disasters are going to occur?

I acknowledge that we Melbournians are blessed to reside upon a patch of land rarely devastated by more that a stiff wind. But surely this isn't the world's only safe haven?

Every single year we hear reports of hurricane Bob or Ellen ripping Florida to shreds. Is all that sunshine worth it if there's a high likelyhood your house will end up in the Atlantic?

On a regular basis the Land of the Rising Sun is shaken furiously at its roots. Now, of course the Japanese have used their collective brainpower to adapt many of their buildings to compensate for geographic unrest - but how stressful would it be to know at any time the earth might open up and swallow your cat?!

And the poor unfortunate residents of waterlogged Louisiana... my heart goes out to them, but why did people ignore the warnings? Surely a bit of maths would tell them a negative position in relation to sea level + lots of extra water = certain doom. Now with the bodies floating about... I shudder to imagine it.

They're saying that it could be three months before residents could return to their homes, but even then, their homes won't be worth salvaging, and all the things that matter - photos, letters, treasured items - will likely have been washed away.
I couldn't even imagine what I would do should I be displaced in that way... luckily, we live just back from the top of a cliff, so we're not likely to be flooded - but isn't fire a scary concept? Our area is an older one, full of cottagey weatherboard homes - one spark and half the street would be ablaze!

If I could only grab three things on my escape, I think I would save... my kimono, my box of cards and letters from Stu, and the cross-stitch my mum lovingly crafted for me.
It goes without saying that I would be accompanied by Stu, and Samurai, the most mischievous cat in all the land (Samurai would probably start the damn fire, just to annoy me!).

What treasured possessions would you save?


Blogger Janet said...

I know, I can't even walk past a cemetary without feeling creepy... it's just an awful, but inevitable situation. I truly believe it when they say that we have the most liveable city - even if we are on its fringes!

9/01/2005 11:50 am  

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