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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Monday, September 05, 2005


I lost 0.2kgs last week. Not impressive in any way. Meanwhile, go DJs!
But it is a loss, and I refuse to let a slow start stop me from continuing. Just think, I might have registered a gain had I not been so behaved on Friday - every little bit counts.

I have a plan B, which is to possibly drop my points, should 22 points per day be ineffective. I have always maintained a diet of healthy dinners, sensible daytime eating and daily walks, even when I wasn't really paying too much attention to maintenance, so perhaps I need to make my metabolism sit up and listen.

I really can't go under 18 points per day, as it would be completely unhealthy for my composition, so I would need to look at the kinds of foods I'm eating if I continue to only have small successes. I would probably need to replace some carbs with proteins, and have less cups of milky tea.

I will give 22 points another week, and if it's not working - it's down to 21!


Blogger Janet said...

Thanks for that.

I have such sympathy for the victims of this tragedy whom tried to escape. Any donations I make will be in their honour, with the hope that they can rebuild the homes they left behind.
However, any people who ignored the warnings, stayed behind, and are now inciting a state of chaos, are exempt from my pity.

Anyone who wants to donate should do so through the Red Cross, or comparable charitable entity of their choice. These organisations ensure that the highest possible percentage of funds reaches the intended recipients. That said, people should only donate because it warms a part if their soul to know that another has benefitted from their contribution, not because they have been guilted into it by virtual blog spam. It is not a humanity competition.

And by the way, if you want to comment here - please make it relevant!

9/05/2005 5:17 pm  

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