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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I'm better

Maybe I'm not meant to have eight hours sleep? Last night we were bemoaning the fact that we were late to bed again, yet this morning I feel a lot brighter than yesterday. That doesn't mean that Stu and I didn't go through the whole "Let's not go to work", "Let's lie around with the cat" scenario - that's just become a part of our daily routine, but we always deny ourselves the luxury.

Well, not entirely, we hope to be taking Friday off, as I'm going to the Boyz II Men (don't tease!)concert with Bec on Thursday night. Our location means a long drive home, and subsequently, a very late night. Stu also has a production meeting scheduled with his software development team on Saturday, so it will be nice to give the house a final polish on Friday, instead of rushing around in the evening, when I'd rather be reading a magazine.
Friday might be a nice day, depending on the weather, to show Stu the absolutely beautiful house I found tucked in a little private inlet on the beach. We'll have to schedule our walk for low tide though, or it might turn into a swim!

I think I might submit another annual leave form at the same time, requesting the Christmas to New Year's period off. I've not yet had a holiday since I started here over a year ago, and had gone a long time at my last job without one as well, so I'm desperate for some respite. We were thinking of taking some time at my birthday in October, but with our anniversary and the party coming up, we have some other things to distract us from the daily grind (and absorb our money), at the moment. Stu's building shuts down during the Christmas period, so it makes sense to book my holidays for the same time.

I am happy to say that all invitations are sealed and delivered, though I haven't yet cleared the aftermath from the dining table. Perhaps tonight... however, we are grocery shopping after work, so the job may be overlooked until I have the time to face it on Friday. I'd like to overhaul my entire craft filing system, as I've acquired so many papers and tools and such, and really need to organise them if I ever want to find them for another project. Less residential clutter might just improve my mental clutter!


Blogger Janet said...

Yep, but after we bought the tickets one of the Boyz (Men?) dropped out... robbed!

I haven't really been keeping up to date on their music and such for about the last five years... I'm more into the soul and jazz stuff now - deeper, more obscure, less repetitive!

9/07/2005 11:29 am  

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