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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Trickery killed the radio star

My lovely sister, Bec, phoned Fox FM the other day, in response to a competition they were running.

So, the radio blares 'Win backstage tickets to the Black Eyed Peas, just answer this question... blah di blah!'. And Bec responds, 'Yes! I know that answer, Ima gonna get me some tickets!' (Except in her head, and sounding less like a yokel). Now this is an insight into Bec's character - she's optimistic, and will give it a try. I'm cynical, and don't think that they'll answer my call.

You know what - optimism pays - Bec got through to the top of the queue! Just before she was catapulted to the airwaves, she is asked by the phone jockey what she intends to say. After Bec offers her answer, phone jockey suggests that she try something slightly different. Ever compliant, on the air Bec repeats the suggested tidbit. Wrong?! Bastards!

Had she given her original answer, she'd be partying with Fergie and that weird Apple guy in a few weeks. Instead, she is due to receive a DVD of Gilmore Girls, season one, or some such nonsense. Poor girl doesn't even want it, as it will remind her how she was stooged.

Fox FM - Booooooooo!


Blogger DJ said...

Tell her to write to that Simon whatshisname the station manager outlining what happened. CC the letter to Today Tonight.
Austereo are still punchy over the Triple M debarcle of last year where "everyone" who entered the contest via the web were told they were $20K winners.

9/06/2005 9:21 am  
Blogger Janet said...

Thanks babe, shall do!

9/06/2005 9:59 am  

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